Welcome little Aliya | The world just got softer & sweeter

The poignant and full-hearted moment of meeting my first little grandchild (6 months ago) was one that I felt so intensely and deeply I did not know how my heart would react on meeting my second grandchild. Convinced that the flood of emotions in becoming a ‘nan’ for the first time was a one-time experience, I was sure it could never be matched. I was wrong. Somehow, with the birth of grandbaby number two, my heart has miraculously expanded to embrace the wonder and marvel of new life.
Welcome, baby girl!
As the Rwandese would say: “You are the MOST welcome.”
And as English poet, Robert Southey, penned: “What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of.”
Your sweet presence in our lives has ignited an immediate outpouring of love, protection, happy tears and the anticipation of marvellous little girl adventures that I pray I’ll be witness to and part of for many years to come.
Welcome to the world, little Aliya.
Your girly arrival into a post-truth world of gender wars and confusion is a necessary reminder of the undeniable and delicate wonder of your intricate feminine design. Embrace that. Celebrate that. Never apologise for it. It is a beautiful and powerful thing.
“You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Let no-one tell you differently.
Welcome to my world, little one.
The moment I held your darling newborn tininess in my arms, the world seemed to exhale, and a gentle sigh settled all around.
You have melted my heart in a singular moment of wonderment and awe; the intensity of which causes an unexplained ache deep within me. As your nan, I have front row seats to your mommy and daddy loving, raising, nurturing and guiding you. How lucky am I?
I also have the privilege of loving you as only a grandmother can, with an honorary share in watching you grow and become uniquely you. (Oh, and by the way, your grandpa - who is completely smitten - is already getting the garden swing and treehouse ready).
As I eagerly look forward to photo updates, video calls, and (many) visits filled with girly giggles, butterfly kisses, story times, finding fairies, soft cuddles, childhood chatter, and a whole lot of pinkness (plus a stray cat or two), I am overwhelmed with gratitude. My cup runneth over.
The cycle of life is filled with surprising joys.
I could never have scripted how becoming a grandmother would make me feel so alive and so humble. But the adjustment has been easy and the love, instant.
What an exciting season of life to navigate; full of sugar and spice and all things nice!
Speaking of 'sugar and spice and all things nice,' this blog highlights 8 'Little Miss' traits focused on equipping little girls as they journey from childhood dreaming and imagination to nurturing activists; women celebrating their femininity who are empowered to actually change the world.
Written by Leanne Johnson