In loving memory...
In loving memory of a friend who is no longer here…
Her name was Cynthia Jean
(Another earthly reminder of a Heavenly reality)
My personal reflection as I pause to think about Cynthia's earthly story coming to an end and imagine her Heavenly introduction.
She was here
But now she is There
While she was here
She experienced suffering and tears
But now she is There
And there is no suffering or tears
While she was here
It was enough
The laughter and love
But now she is There
And it is so much more
A joy indescribable
We can only imagine
While she was here
His eyes were on her
Holding, guiding, caring
But now she is There
And her eyes are on Him
Praising, worshipping, glorifying
While she was here
She lived in the hope of glory
But now she is There
Experiencing the glory of hope
While she was here
She saw through a glass darkly
But now she is There
Seeing clearly; face to face
While she was here
She rested in faith
But now she is There
Resting in His arms
“Well done, good and faithful servant”
She is no longer here
But now she is There
Cynthia Jean de Villiers
[ 23 December 1971 - 1 June 2022]
'We do not grieve like others who have no hope...' [1 Thessalonians 4:13]
Written by Leanne Johnson