My heritage
What is heritage? Is it cultural, national or family identity? Is it an inherited value system or merely traditions, dress, language/dialect and food handed down down from previous generations? Is it the interconnectedness of stories and shared memories? How do we meaningfully express and honour our heritage?
The answers to these questions can become philosophically complex, especially when tagged onto a sense of identity.
In celebration of Heritage Day, here is my personal poetic reflection:
My heritage
How do I define it when it doesn't fit a box or definition?
For me, it is
Flavours and
Whispered words of wisdom transcending time.
Shadows of truth spanning decades.
Where I feel at home
Where my heart is settled
Where words aren't needed to explain
Who I am
Why I am
I just know
Embraced by the familiar
On the wings of past stories, laughter, tears and scattered memories.
My heritage
It is all this and more
I carry it with me,
In me
And I share it with you.